I'm still on my search for a quick release steering hub for my Mustang. I have come across several potential options in the digital realm, such as www.esses.us, www.tekniqauto.com, and www.smartracing.net, which all boast compatibility with a Momo or Sparco hub adapter. However, despite my keen efforts, I can only seem to find a hub listing tailored for the 69-73 Mustang models. Unfortunately, I've not been able to locate any information pertaining to the earlier models, especially those from 65 and 66. Is there anyone out there willing to share their wisdom or experiences regarding the specific differences that may exist between the steering hub and wheel mount configurations on the 65/66 columns versus their 69-73 counterparts? Your input would be greatly appreciated and may assist me in my quest for the optimal upgrade for my classic Mustang.
Thanks a bunch, Bob.